USDA's newest Cattle on Feed report has brought forward some intriguing figures for those invested in the US cattle market. The numbers as of August 1, 2023, indicate a total of 11.0 million cattle and calves in primary feedlots. This is a 2% reduction from the same date in 2022.
Feedlots placements in July 2023 have been reported at 1.62 million head, marking an 8% descent from the previous year. A more granular look into these placements, based on weight categories, shows 365,000 heads under 600 pounds, and the placements for higher weights follow this trend.
Also, marketings of cattle ready for slaughter in July 2023 was 1.73 million head, which is 5% lower than 2022. There was an interesting uptick in other disappearances during July, standing at 65,000 head, marking a 16% surge over 2022.
ShayLe Stewart from DTN highlighted the significance of the numbers, pointing out the logical alignment of the data, given the US's historically low beef cow numbers. She emphasized that most states reported fewer placements, with only Idaho and Washington being exceptions.