“Many commercial cow-calf operations are considered fairly closed herds because they bring few new animals into the herd,” Larson said, referring to a herd that adds a new bull on occasion but raises all its replacement females.
“The more cattle you bring into the herd, the greater the disease risk becomes, leading to an increased emphasis on biosecurity,” Lubbers said.
Making a biosecurity plan
To lessen the risk for disease, Herman advised producers to purchase their cattle from a reputable seedstock operator.
“Reputable seedstock operators test their cattle for diseases before selling them, keep complete records and their cattle are in good condition,” Herman said.
Lubbers stressed the importance of whole herd testing to catch chronic diseases.
“Some diseases may not appear right away, so testing the herd over multiple years is the best practice to ensure that the herd is free of disease,” Lubbers said.
Even when purchasing cattle from a reputable seller, Herman recommends all new cattle go into a 21-30 day quarantine in their new location to be sure they are not carrying unexpected sickness to the rest of the herd.
White added that isolating new cattle from the rest of the herd can reduce sickness that is transmitted through the air.
“We need to make sure the new cattle don’t have nose-to-nose contact with the rest of the herd for that isolation period,” White said.
Larson suggested that new cattle be placed in a pasture separated by a gravel road or other barrier that gives the animals a distance greater than a fence line.
The experts also suggest working with a local veterinarian to discuss a biosecurity plan before a disease outbreak.
White said: “Disease plans that happen after there is a problem are not nearly as effective as pre-emptive plans. A little planning goes a long way toward total herd health.”
Source : k-state.edu