This is an extension of time for the sale of non-compliant whole pork meat, provided that the meat is in the supply chain by July 1. If it is in the supply chain by July 1, that product can be sold in California until December 31. Anything harvested after July 1, to be sold in California, will still have to be Proposition 12 compliant.
What is the significance of this order: California recognized that if something was not done on the implementation of Proposition 12, consumers in the state could potentially face increased food prices and a significant decrease in amount of pork supplied to the state.
NPPC’s take: On Thursday, in reaction to the court order, NPPC released the following statement from CEO Bryan Humphreys:
“It is welcome news to America’s pig farmers and consumers that California recognized the challenging situation the July 1 Proposition 12 implementation date will have on our industry and food supply. Granting six months of additional relief for products in the supply chain allows grocery stores to remain stocked so the 40 million Californians have uninterrupted access to affordable, safe and nutritious pork products, especially with rising food prices.
“We appreciate Governor Newsom, Attorney General Bonta and the California Department of Food and Agriculture for their efforts over the past month to find a solution to achieve a smoother transition for the entire pork value chain, including our foreign trading partners.
“While this temporary solution does not solve the challenges and uncertainty California Proposition 12 brings to our industry, NPPC looks forward to working with Congress to find a permanent bipartisan solution to this problem.”
What is next: NPPC continues to work with Congress to find a permanent, bipartisan solution to Proposition 12 that will ensure all American families have access to abundant, safe and nutritious pork products.
For resources and to learn more about compliance guidelines, please visit:
Swine Vets Lobby for Foreign Animal Disease Funding in 2023 Farm Bill
What happened: On Tuesday, June 20, swine veterinarians from around the country flew into Washington, DC to lobby Congress to secure funding for foreign animal diseases (FAD) prevention in the 2023 Farm Bill.
The subject matter experts highlighted the importance of the “three-legged stool”, which includes the National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary Countermeasures Bank (NAVVCB), National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN), National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) and the National Veterinary Stockpile (NVS).
Swine veterinarians received a farm bill debrief from NPPC staff, heard from Dr. Koren Custer, USDA APHIS’ Assistant Director of Swine Health, on how funds from the 2018 Farm Bill were utilized, and Dr. Doug Ensley, Boehringer Ingelheim’s Director of Veterinary Public Health provided an update on veterinary vaccine and countermeasures banks. After much discussion and conversation, participants went to meet with U.S. Senators and Representatives.
Why is it important: The Western Hemisphere has detected an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) – a highly contagious, viral and deadly disease with no vaccine or cure – for the first time in 40 years. If funding is not provided for preventative measures and programs to stop other FADs from entering the U.S., American agriculture is at risk.
The “three-legged stool” programs provide stability for producers and veterinarians when faced with challenges from FADs such as ASF, classical swine fever (CSF), foot-and-mouth disease and more.
NPPC’s take: By prioritizing animal health and well-being, NPPC strongly supports and advocates for additional funding for FAD prevention and protection of the American food supply in the 2023 Farm Bill.
Source : NPPC