Agronomists from across Manitoba will discuss the challenges of choosing a canola variety that is best suited for your field. Genetic advancements for yield, disease resistance, pod shatter and specialty traits are happening quicker than ever before and have real implications for performance on a field level. Discussions will be centered around how variety selection decisions are currently being made, what resources are available for farmers and agronomists to make these decisions and what a future wish list might look like for canola.
11:15 AM Price Outlook for Oils and Fats and Implications for Canadian Canola
David Mielke, Analyst, Oil World – ISTA Mielke GmbH @OILWORLD_Mielke
Dwindling production growth of oils and fats is seen resulting in a large deficit in 2024/25, requiring demand-rationing in the biofuel and food sectors. Combined crushings of rapeseed and canola and sunflower seed are set to decline by 8 million tonnes this season, raising dependence on soybeans. This will require a further appreciation of the oil share of the combined product value, which is good news for a high oil-yielding oilseed such as canola. Political uncertainty, vz. U.S. biodiesel framework or the risk of Chinese trade restrictions, further complicate the situation. David will discuss the latest developments in the global oilseed markets and its price implication on Canadian canola.
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