Billy Hargis, a distinguished poultry scientist, recently received a unique tribute for his groundbreaking research in poultry gut health.
The tribute comes in the form of a newly discovered poultry pathogen named Eimeria hargisi, named in his honor by colleagues at the Ontario Veterinary College in Canada.
The discovery of Eimeria hargisi occurred during studies of a recurring disease at a commercial chukar partridge farm in Ontario. This parasite, part of the Eimeria family, is responsible for causing coccidiosis, a deadly disease affecting various animals, including poultry.
Hargis, who serves as the director of the John Kirkpatrick Skeeles Poultry Health Laboratory, expressed his gratitude for the honor bestowed upon him by his longtime colleague and friend, John Barta, a professor of parasitology at the Ontario Veterinary College.