The Canadian Grains Sustainability Metrics Platform is a data-based platform that provides measurements of Canadian grain production sustainability performance, populated with information that is responsive to market requirements.
Sustainability is defined as: social responsibility, environmental sustainability and economic viability. Sustainability performance of Canadian Grain Production is presented in twelve sustainability reports:
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions & Air Quality
- Agrochemical management
- Nutrient Management
- Water quality & Quantity
- Waste & Pollution
- Soil Health & Productivity
- Land Use and Biodiversity
- Financial Viability
- Work Safety & Security
- Working conditions
- Labour Relations
- Community Relations
Three types of data is used to highlight sustainability performance:
- The legal and program infrastructure in which the industry operates (such as pesticide registration and application regulations and labour standards)
- Aggregate outcomes of the activities of the industry (such as greenhouse gas emissions and amount of land under conservation tillage)
- Aggregated practices of producers (such as how many producers have adopted various beneficial management practices)
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