Council members also acted as a sounding board for the design of AAFC’s AgriCommunication program, advising on concrete ways for the program to build public trust and consumer confidence and to raise awareness of the many sustainable food and farming practices in Canada. They also shared ideas on making Canada’s agricultural and agri-food sector more competitive, and on how to transfer knowledge between generations as well as from producers to consumers.
As part of the Government of Canada’s goal to work towards a creating a more sustainable global food system, various members of the Council helped deliver a Canadian youth perspective in other fora, including AAFC’s Sector Engagement Tables and at various United Nations’ Food System Summit and FAO Dialogues. This provided them with the opportunity to speak to the importance of supporting youth in food and farming, as well as inform Canada’s position on youth in agriculture and agri-food.
An announcement on the 15 successful applicants to the second cohort of the Canadian Agricultural Youth Council is expected in the coming weeks. The second cohort will be made up these new members as well as some returning members. Together, they will unite a cross section of Canadian youth passionate for food and farming, mirroring Canada’s regional and demographic diversity. They will serve on the Council for an 18-month term.
Young Canadians are dynamic, engaged and passionate about the future of the agriculture and agri-food sector. By providing a forum for the next generation to bring forward innovative and fresh ideas, Canadian youth are able to play an active role in the decisions that will shape their future.
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