A state-of-the-art scientific facility is now open, setting a new standard for plant health science and bolstering Canada's trade and agriculture sectors.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) new Centre for Plant Health (ÍY¸ NONET¸ ÁUTW̱ E TŦE SJESENENEȻ) in North Saanich, British Columbia, is a pathfinder project of the Laboratories Canada strategy. Construction was led by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), on behalf of the CFIA.
Removing barriers through science
As Canada's only post-entry quarantine, research and diagnostic facility for virus testing of grapevines, fruit-bearing trees, and small fruit, the Centre plays a vital role in protecting plant health. Its cutting-edge work in virus testing and virus elimination supports the productivity and sustainability of Canada's vineyards, orchards, and berry farms. This work supports farmers and strengthens sectors that contribute billions to the national economy.
State-of-the-art science equipment and information technologies at the new Centre will modernize testing for regulated plant diseases, improving Canada's capability to detect these diseases earlier and more accurately. This will have the potential to decrease plant quarantine waiting times, which can help to speed up regulatory approvals and enable Canadian businesses to move their products to market faster and more economically.