These laboratories play a critical role in the international monitoring and control of animal diseases, in applied research, as well as in providing support for diagnosis, training, and advice to member countries. This designation by the WOAH is a sign of Canada's scientific excellence and demonstrates Canada's increasing ability, capacity, and readiness to detect and respond to an outbreak of ASF as well as support global efforts to manage the disease.
The CFIA is responsible for food safety, and the protection of plant and animal health in Canada. This mandate is supported by the CFIA's network of 13 laboratories across the country. The NCFAD is also designated as a WOAH Reference Laboratory for classical swine fever, highly pathogenic and low pathogenic avian influenza in poultry, and foot-and-mouth disease.
This network of laboratories and the work of their scientists are essential to protect the health and well-being of people, animals, and the economy, both in Canada and internationally.
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