OTTAWA, ON - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is celebrating 25 years of safeguarding Canada's food supply—but the Agency is about much more than just food.
Safe food starts with healthy plants and animals. That's why the CFIA also works to prevent the spread of invasive plants, plant pests and animal diseases. In fact, Canada is the only jurisdiction in the world bringing the whole food chain together under one roof.
The CFIA's work touches all Canadians, whether it is a potato farmer who wants to sell products in Canada and abroad, seed producers who want to develop new ways to breed plants, a cattle rancher, a person transporting livestock in their truck, a consumer at the grocery store, a gardener at the garden centre, or a traveller coming into Canada.
The CFIA is powered by its people—including inspectors, veterinarians and scientists—who work tirelessly to make sure Canadians can trust that the food on their plates is safe, protect Canada's plant and animal resource base from diseases and pests, facilitate trade and market access for Canadian-made products, and conduct innovative research.