Production Stage Total Digestible Nutrients Protein
(% Dry Matter) (% Dry Matter)
Mid Gestation 55 8
Late Gestation 60 10
Early Lactation 65 12
To achieve the ideal scenario where a cow produces one calf every year, an average gestation length of 283 days allows a cow only 82 days after calving to return to estrus and rebreed. This period between calving and conception is referred to as the postpartum interval. As discussed previously, a cow’s body condition at calving and lactation has a large impact on colostrum and milk production. Perhaps more important is the impact of body condition on the duration of the postpartum interval. Cows in lower body condition take longer to reach their first heat after calving, while cows in good body condition experience higher pregnancy rates and rebreed sooner. Most cows require four to six weeks to return to a normal estrus cycle, this may be prolonged for cows in poor body condition. While adequate nutrition pre-calving is critical to maintain body condition and support colostrum and fetal development, inadequate post-calving nutrition alone can reduce conception rates. Depending on the length of your calving and breeding seasons, the result may be more open cows.
Complicating each of these factors is the influence of cow age. While mature cow requirements may be more easily met, first- or second-calf heifers need additional nutrients to meet their own growth requirements. Failure to meet their growth and gestational requirements increases the risk that these younger cattle may not rebreed, leading to higher open rates and culling of younger animals in your herd. Separating first- and second-calf heifers and thin cows in your herd may allow you to allocate feed resources to those most in need.
While it may be tempting to turn your cattle out to pasture early, set your breeding season up for success by ensuring that your cows nutrient requirements are being met during calving, lactation, and the postpartum interval. For assistance evaluating your feeding plan, contact your local livestock and feed extension specialist by calling the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377.
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