Bob Dinneen, the president and CEO of the Renewable Fuel Association which represents the ethanol industry, dismissed the concerns about biofuels and said of the WRI report: “A cursory update of a failed theory is not science and does nothing to enlighten the debate about biofuels.”
“The ‘land use change’ and ‘food vs. fuel’ arguments are as wrong today as they were seven years ago when Searchinger first gained notoriety with his doomsday predictions,” Dinneen told CBS News in an e-mail interview. “As passionate as he is in promoting his agenda, the truth cannot escape the fact that real-world data conclusively show reduced deforestation, reduced global hunger, and deceleration of cropland expansion during the biofuels era.”
As of 2010, biofuels provided roughly 2.5 percent of the energy in the world’s transportation fuel. This came overwhelmingly from food crops: ethanol distilled mainly from maize, sugarcane, sugar beets, or wheat, and biodiesel refined from vegetable oils.
The United States, Canada, and Brazil accounted for about 90 percent of ethanol production, while Europe accounted for about 55 percent of biodiesel production.
The RFA has argued that increased yields from corn more than compensate for the additional demands for biofuels. It notes that corn yield per acre has more than doubled in the last 40 years, from 72.4 bushels per acre in 1970 to 152.8 bushels per acre in 2010. Add to that improved seed technology, and average corn yields may double, reaching 250 to 300 bushels per acre by 2030.
Searchinger acknowledges yields have improved but insists they would have to “grow even faster over the coming four decades than they did over the previous four previous decades” to handle the demands for biofuels and food.
“We have increased yields thank God,” he said. “The challenge is that we need 70 percent more food even without an increase in bioenergy by 2050. To provide that without cutting down more forest, we need the rate of yield growth a third higher than it was over the past 40 years during the Green Revolution.”
His report comes at a challenging time for the biofuels industry in the United States.
A coalition of big oil companies, environmental groups and food companies have been aggressively lobbying the government to reconsider its entire ethanol program — which requires blending up to 10 percent of ethanol with gasoline — amid concerns that it is doing little to address climate change and is having unintended environmental consequences.
An Associated Press investigation last year found that the rush to convert land for corn for ethanol wiped out millions of acres of conservation land, destroyed habitat and contaminated water supplies.
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