Beef Producers Demand a High Quality TPP Deal

May 23, 2014

WASHINGTON - Beef producers from four Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) member countries have again demanded that any TPP agreement be a high quality deal that eliminates all tariffs on beef.  

Members of the Five Nations Beef Alliance (FNBA)* from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, urge all participants involved in the TPP negotiations to re-commit to securing a comprehensive, non-discriminatory outcome – one which eliminates tariffs and importantly addresses behind the border trade barriers.  

FNBA is concerned that TPP members have not been able to craft a tariff-eliminating deal for beef, and unless all parties step up to the plate and reaffirm their commitment to a trade liberalizing outcome, countries could begin to drift away from the goal of achieving a 21st century agreement.  

FNBA producers expect an accord which addresses commercial impediments rather than assigning them to the ‘too hard basket’.  Above all, a TPP agreement must make it easier to do business - it must facilitate and enhance trade.   FNBA also calls for each TPP member country to provide the same market access arrangements to all other members, in order to ensure that competitive disadvantages are not created and trade subsequently distorted. 

This in turn will set clear parameters around the obligations required by future TPP aspirants.  

Despite the inherent challenges, TPP members must ensure any agreement delivers the open trading environment originally envisaged.   In so doing, the TPP will be widely viewed by commercial entities as a worthwhile initiative.

Source: NCBA

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