Wright says he expects to see a fair few topics being discussed at the event's many meetings.
"Current topics range all the way from, and we know the pillars, we'll talk competitiveness, we'll talk about productivity, we'll talk about environmental opportunity, we'll talk about economics, we'll talk about socia impact those current pieces are all there."
People interested in the market will get the opportunity to ask questions of experts through their "Ask Me Anything" panels.
"The Ask Me Anything, expert conversations that will go on Wednesday and Thursday morning, those opportunities to ask the experts, industry experts, researcher, experts basically, folks from right across North America, you can ask a vet, you can ask a nutritionist, you can ask our young leaders group, you can ask any number of cross-section questions. strongly recommend that you don't miss it."
"There'll be insights on everything from seeding your feeding your animal, supporting your grass, and your grassland, responding to the environmental conditions that we've got in front of us and creating sustainability over the long term."
Anyone looking for more info can find it on their website at Canadianbeefindustryconference.com.
Wright says he hopes to see plenty of people taking advantage of the opportunity this conference brings.
"This is a tremendous opportunity. It's an opportunity for the city of Saskatoon, for the University of Saskatchewan. It's a larger opportunity for the industry, for producers, for the components that really move this industry forward. Above all, it's an opportunity to take value home and learn from it."
Source : Pembinavalley online