The amended Bill C-234 now goes back to the House of Commons for consideration.
Meantime, a Private Members Bill introduced by Barlow is on its way to the Senate.
Bill C-275 is an act to amend the Health of Animals Act protecting the biosecurity on farms.
"Specifically, it will increase fines and add fines to any trespassers or protesters who come on private property onto farm and protest putting the biosecurity of those animals and that operation at risk. The other element to this that is a bit unique is that there are fines in place for organizations that are pushing these types of protests like PETA, or Extinction Rebellion.
Barlow says the bill came about as a result of protestors who broke into a turkey barn on a farm at Fort Macleod, creating a key biosecurity risk, some of those same protestors were at a hog operation in BC the week before.
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