Mike Teillet-Manitoba Pork:
It's estimated that the demand for meat protein and livestock products will grow by about 70 percent over that same time period so, even though the population might only grow by about 30 percent, the demand for livestock products and livestock protein is expected to be about double that growth.
One of the reasons for that is because the people in the world are also getting more affluent and, as people get more income, the demand for meat and livestock products goes up.
So we anticipate that there'll be significant increase in demand for livestock and meat and livestock products and so we are attempting to become more efficient to meet that demand and we think we would have to continue to do so into the foreseeable future.
Teillet says, if livestock production is curtailed because of the adoption of some kind of regulation or standard, that will translate into more expensive livestock production and mean less affordable meat.
He says this would mean people around the world might go without meat and meat is the principle way that most people get protein at an affordable cost.
source: farmscape