Bromfield has noticed less motivation to work on things like the Secure Pork Supply Plans that can help prevent ASF in the U.S.
“We do have people who can help producers and pig owners with the Secure Pork Supply Plan,” she said. “Our National Animal Disease Preparedness Response Program federal grant pays for extension specialists to assist producers in creating their plans. It still requires input from them, but much more of the time-consuming portion can be taken off their plate.”
MU Extension is working with the Rapid Access Biosecurity (RAB) app(opens in new window), a database developed at North Carolina State University that will store the plans and make it easier for state animal health officials to make decisions in the case of an outbreak. Independent Missouri producers are urged to go through MU Extension to use the app.
How to get started with the RAB app
1. Contact the Missouri Department of Agriculture to register your farm. Call 573-751-3377 or go to in new window).
2. Contact one of the MU Extension specialists listed below for assistance with the RAB app and the Secure Pork Supply Plan ( in new window)).
- Corinne Bromfield, swine extension veterinarian, in new window), 573-882-8181.
- Amie Schleicher, livestock specialist, NW Missouri, in new window), 660-744-6231.
- Zac Erwin, livestock specialist, NE Missouri, in new window), 660-665-9866.
What to do on-farm now
Especially now in fair season, there are easy things that people can do to improve their biosecurity, which will help not only in the case of ASF but will also help minimize transmission of the diseases we currently have in the U.S., said Bromfield.
• Dedicated clothing. People taking animals to fairs should wear dedicated clothing and footwear at the fair and not bring the same clothes/footwear home to their other animals. This is also an important practice around animals staying on the farm. Dedicated clothing and footwear that doesn’t leave your farm also help minimize the chance of bringing something back to the farm.
• Isolate animals after the fair. If animals are returning to the farm after the show, they should be housed away from the home herd for at least two weeks and worked with after working with the home herd. Even better are terminal shows, where the animals will not return to the home herd.
• Bring home animals only. Don’t bring anything from the fair that doesn’t need to come home, such as food, shavings or manure, for example. Wash the trailer to clean off manure. Always wash your hands after interacting with animals.
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