An industry-led webinar for producers, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, CFIA, and public health officials, is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023. Information will be shared with producers on public health, biosecurity measures and AgriStability (an income-support program) along with a general update about the outbreak. The BC Poultry Association is hosting the session and producers can contact them to register.
Earlier this year, the Province introduced a new $5-million Farmed Animal Disease Program to help support farmers with enhanced biosecurity measures, equipment for disease response, research and training so they can better prepare for and prevent the risk of disease, such as avian influenza.
While these important tools are in place to help prevent disease spread and protect flocks and farms, viruses can adapt and spread so it is important that farmers and small flock owners remain vigilant.
Avian influenza presents an extremely low risk to public health with no risk to food safety. There are currently no anticipated food supply disruptions of either eggs or poultry due to the virus.
For poultry owners who suspect their birds may have avian influenza, they should call their veterinarian, their nearest CFIA animal health office or the BC Animal Health Centre at 1 800 661-9903. If people find a sick or injured wild bird, they should leave it where it is and report it to B.C.’s wild bird surveillance hotline at 1 866 431 BIRD (2473).
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