Industry 4.0 & Navigating Leadership in the Age of AI
Kicking off this year’s AED Summit was keynote speaker Sean Alexander, former Microsoft AI executive and current executive advisor to The Persimmon Group. His presentation set the stage for a technology-focused 3-day Summit that drew 2,500 members to Orlando, Fla., to learn and leverage the latest technology, embrace innovative solutions and network with fellow equipment dealers and industry partners. Alexander offered a basic definition of artificial intelligence (AI) and its broad application across all facets of business, reviewed the history and emergence of the Fourth Industrial Age, and shared actionable insights.
“AI is not a strategy, it’s a tool. AI is a partner and not a replacement in every industry,” Alexander said.
He cited findings from multiple research projects reinforcing the potential for improved sales, productivity and profitability. The Work Trends Index found a 31% increase in employee productivity, 41% increase in salesperson and marketing efficiencies, 26% increase in employee wellbeing. Eliminating employee time spent on low-value activities, increasing inclusivity and helping employees with necessary but repetitive or mundane tasks were also highlighted as value-added benefits. Alexander shared his experience at Microsoft with teams working to implement the Microsoft AI program for the first time, and focused on the importance of building a responsible AI framework.
Alexander closed his keynote by offering an Industry 4.0 Checklist which included these 5 essentials: