Michael Bury of Mannville joined the board following the AGM as Director-at-Large (Non-Bean), replacing Bev Wieben of Fairview who became a Zone 4 Director.
APG’s 12-member board also includes Directors Greg Stamp of Enchant and Will Muller of Bow Island in Zone 1, Kevin Auch of Carmangay and Peter Hoff of Gleichen in Zone 2, Chris Allam of Ardrossan in Zone 3, Scott Keller of New Norway in Zone 5, and Director-at-Large (Bean) John Kolk of Picture Butte, who was re-elected to the position at the AGM.
Outgoing Zone 4 Director Jerome Isaac was thanked for his contributions and years of service at the annual general meeting.
The Alberta Pulse Growers Commission represents 5,400 growers of field pea, dry bean, lentil, chickpea, faba bean and soybean in Alberta. Click here to view APG’s zone map by county. Farmers interested in getting involved as a zone advisor are asked to contact APG to learn more about what this entails and the benefits!
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