By Paola Bacigalupo Sanguesa
Trailers of different sizes transport livestock on United States highways and roads every day. Like any moving vehicle, there is always a risk of accidents, regardless of the distance traveled. When an accident involving livestock occurs, the response required is quite different from an accident involving people. An important difference and a critical step is the set-up of a confinement area to contain the animals.

During and after a transportation accident, it is likely that both people and animals will experience distress. Because of their size and strength, large animals such as adult size cattle, pigs and horses can easily harm a person in any situation, and in a situation of distress, the risk of getting hurt is higher. An animal in distress can react with aggressive behaviors, sudden movements or by trying to escape. These behaviors represent a threat to the safety of first responders and members of the public who may be near the accident. Even animals that are not in distress pose safety risks: a loose animal that wanders off onto a road or highway might cause an accident or harm a bystander. Additionally, loose animals at an accident scene can interfere with the work of first responders.