The Ashby Drive Park enhancement project included resurfacing and upgrading the existing basketball court, installing shade sail seating areas and fitness equipment, expanding the play area, converting to a rubber play surface and adding a ‘learn to ride’ bicycle playground complete with bicycle repair station.
However, how to best approach stormwater management while considering all the enhancements to the park was a challenge for the town. It had to develop a plan for handling stormwater, particularly following heavy precipitation events, where large amounts of water fall quickly in a short amount of time. As well, the water needed to be captured and stored for later use during dry periods.
A solution evolved from a discussion about low impact development with research scientists at the nearby Vineland Research and Innovation Centre (Vineland): creating an absorbent landscape that would not only fit the vision for the park but could also serve as a living demonstration site of science and research in action.
“With the guidance and support of the team at Vineland, we pursued the absorbent landscape project,” McKay notes. “It was a fantastic collaboration that let us avoid the traditional stormwater management processes and do something pretty unique and innovative.”
According to Rhoda deJonge, Director of Plant Responses and the Environment at Vineland, municipalities are increasingly turning to horticulture for green infrastructure solutions to some of their biggest problems, such as using large greenspaces to capture and use stormwater instead of letting it run off downstream.
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