Small grains should be harvested at boot stage (head beginning to emerge from leaf whirl) for milking dairy cattle and at early heading for other categories of animals. The same is true for small grains seeded with peas. Small grains are definitely cool season crops and have greatly reduced yields when planted later in the spring or over summer. Fall plantings, except for oats) tend to produce little forage in the seeding year. We would not recommend late summer seeding alfalfa with small grains as the cover crop will slow down development of alfalfa and increase risk of winterkill.
Seeding a mixture of spring oats and winter wheat in the fall will allow for forage harvest in October (primarily oats) and again in the spring (winter wheat).
Small grain-field pea mixtures have gained popularity as an emergency crop. Primary benefit of peas mixed with small grains is to improve quality and palatability; yield effects are variable ranging from 0 to 0.5 t/a increases. Peas may be mixed with oats, triticale, or barley. The top yielding varieties of each species perform better than the poorer-yielding varieties of all other small grain species. Small grain-pea mixtures have wider harvest window. Increased forage quality has been observed with higher pea seeding rates up to 100 lb/A. However, diminishing returns and cost of peas suggest that the optimum seeding rate is 20 to 30 lb peas per acre.
Corn should be harvested for silage at beginning at 65% moisture (which may be close to half milk line). Forage sorghum should be harvested for silage at milk stage.
Forage sorghum, sudangrasses, and sorghum/sudangrass hybrids are better adapted than most species to drought, high temperature, water logging, and low soil pH than corn, but will yield less in seasons with cool August and September. Sudangrass and sorghum/sudangrass hybrids should be harvested at 3 feet of height (two to three cuttings for season). Harvesting at later maturity may increase yield but will result in very low forage quality.
Soybeans should be harvested at R7 stage (when first pods are beginning to turn color). The idea is to harvest just before beans have begun to form. Soybeans do not ensile well because of high oil content and should be mixed with a grass (e.g. corn, sorghum, sudangrass) at chopping to improve ensiling characteristics.

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