Alberta Crop Harvest Nearing the Finish Line

Oct 10, 2023

The Alberta crop harvest is 88 per cent done which is 13 per cent ahead of the five-year average and 12 per cent ahead of the 10-year average, the Oct. 3 provincial crop report said.

“Provincially, major crops with the most left to combine are oats and canola which are 81 and 75 per cent complete, respectively. Compared to the five- and 10-year average, harvest is ahead for all regions,” the report said.

Provincially, six per cent of all crops are left standing as the other five per cent has already been swathed. The report noted in the south harvest is almost complete with less than one per cent of major crops standing and in the central, north east and Peace areas there’s less than 10 per cent of the crop standing and less than eight per cent in the swath. In the north west 15 per cent of the crop is still standing as well as 15 per cent in swaths.

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