The 40+ educational sessions have a cropping and livestock focus with topics ranging from adoption of genomic tools to controlled environment agriculture and integrating technology and data into traditional farming practices. AgSmart is also a great opportunity to learn more about the Smart Farm and its projects, which will be featured in the Olds College interactive exhibit, educational sessions and demonstrations.
This year, AgSmart is welcoming Alberta Crop Diagnostics Day on July 31. This collaborative field day with Alberta Grains, Alberta Pulse Growers, and Alberta Canola will feature informative sessions and a variety of demonstration plots showcasing pulse, grains, and canola.
The Alberta Crop Diagnostic Day will take place July 31 at the AgSmart event, when Alberta Grains, Alberta Pulse, and Alberta Canola partner with Olds College to bring this co-branded, industry-recognized agricultural diagnostic day under a single banner.
The partnership will showcase the latest agronomic information for producers and agronomists to ensure the newest research being conducted in the Prairies gets to those who need it.
Also, Seed World Canada’s Marc Zienkiewicz will host a panel discussion on July 30 at 11 a.m. A Technological Time Machine: How Modern Techniques Will Bring You New Seed Faster will explore the transformative power of technology in the realm of seed development and agricultural innovation.
In this session, experts from both the research side and the world of farming will delve into the fascinating realm of genetic research, the unprecedented speed at which new seed varieties will be brought to market, and how this benefits producers in a myriad of ways. Panelists will be:
- Jeremy Boychyn, Director of Research Agronomy & Extension, Alberta Grains
- Lori Oatway, Research Scientist — Quality, Western Crop Innovations (WCI)
- Jennifer Zantinge, Research Scientist — Biotechnology, WCI
- Russell Wildeman — Seed Grower and Board Member, Alberta-British Columbia Seed Growers
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