Agriculture This Week: Climate change will be ongoing ag issue

Sep 23, 2022

There are topics columnists tend to touch upon with some regularity. 

For example, for years the battle to either save, or dismantle, the Canadian Wheat Board, depending on who was talking, led to regular columns for many who wrote about the issues of the farm sector. 

Moving forward there is little doubt climate change will be an oft written of topic. 

There is little likelihood that climate change is some great hoax perpetrated by some cabal with an agenda known only to themselves and a few conspiracy theorists. It would be nice if it actually was just a story seeded to create fear, but the evidence of change is mounting. 

You might still want to argue it’s a natural occurrence, but that is a somewhat hollow argument to make, because in the end it’s the impact of the changes we should be fearful of. 

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