“Alberta’s agricultural societies continue to demonstrate significant initiative and resilience with new innovations that have a positive impact on their communities,” says Susan Lacombe, program coordinator with the Alberta government. “For their efforts, 3 agricultural societies have been recognized with the 2023 Agricultural Society Innovation Award – KAC Agricultural Society, Stettler District Agricultural Society and La Crete Agricultural Society.”
In 2023, the KAC Agricultural Society partnered with a local school to obtain a hydroponic food modular system, integrated into Altario School's Agriculture Academy. Producing 500 to 600 plants weekly, this initiative addressed food supply chain challenges, providing the community with fresh and affordable produce year-round. The program also offered students hands-on learning opportunities, cultivating skills in entrepreneurship, agri-business, and innovation and technology in agriculture and research.
The Stettler District Agricultural Society pioneered the Community Kitchens program, significantly contributing to the support of underserved residents in the community. By offering its recently upgraded kitchen to the community at no cost, the program has become a catalyst for numerous new projects and opportunities for community groups, families and individuals.
The Heritage Experimental Orchard initiative was established by the La Crete Agricultural Society to boost the variety and abundance of fruit trees in the northern region, bolstering food security and supporting health, economic growth and food stability in northern Alberta. Over time, the project evolved to encompass experimental and educational aspects, with the potential for future economic benefits to the region.