He said the state Department of Natural Resources confirmed more cases of virus in wild birds earlier this month. The agency has detected the virus in 131 wild birds from 48 counties in the state.
Ron Kean is a poultry specialist for the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Division of Extension. He said the influenza virus has historically died down in summer months, so bird enthusiasts are cautiously optimistic about the rest of the summer.
"We're hopeful that we're through this at least for now," he said. "Especially a lot of the small producers, exhibition breeders, things like that, I think are quite excited to be able to go back to having shows."
Kean said there is still some risk to birds at shows, but poultry owners already take steps to protect their birds from other diseases.
He said poultry owners should avoid sharing cages and feeders and should keep all equipment clean.
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