If that is not enough, I remember our biggest forage weed issue in the 80’s being ironweed. While it is as prevalent now as it was then, I rarely hear farmers saying it is an issue. Hemp dogbane, spotted knapweed and cocklebur lead the list with the most frequent calls I get and what I deal with in my pastures. I didn’t even mention multiflora rose and autumn olive.
However, I have seen significant improvements in grazing. Most farmers now have multiple pasture fields and do some degree of rotational grazing. One practice I have noticed the most is how much longer the grazing season has become. When I was young, if we could make it to the middle of October, we were doing good. Now in my neck of the woods, most are still grazing after Thanksgiving. Some of it may be warmer weather in October and November, but I would like to think it is better grazing management – I am sure it is a combination.
Most of my career, I have conducted research on ways to extend the grazing season. After corn stalks, stockpiling grass, especially fescue is the most economical and easiest method to do so. After many trials over the past 35 years, all I can say with statistical significance is adding nitrogen (100# of urea, 46-0-0) will increase yields. Of course, we have other forages like oats, cereal rye and brassicas (i.e. turnips) that can extend the grazing season. Several of the farmers in my area have consistently made it well into February without feeding hay.
If we were to ask someone from the city what forages are, I bet they would not know. If we asked them what grass was, they would say it was just legalized in Ohio. Forages and grasslands are the most important ecosystem in the world. It covers more than 1/3 of the world land area and 70% of the world agriculture area. In the United States, it covers 38% of the land and 2/3 of all the ag land.
For those of us interested in forages and grasslands, we need a voice to advance our cause and fortunately we do. The American Forage and Grassland Council brings producers, educators and industry together to promote and advance forages. Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio all have state councils and if you join one of them, you also become a member of the national organization. The Ohio Forage and Grassland Council will be having their annual meeting on Friday, February 9 at Deerassic Park, east of Cambridge. For more information and registration, go to ohioforage.com, and for more information on the national organization and other state affiliated councils, go to afgc.org.
I have been involved with forages my entire life and will likely do so as long as can. After over 35 years spanning five decades working for OSU Extension, it is time to hand it off to the next generation. I am very confident in our future of forages and the direction we are heading. OSU is in the process of hiring a new forage specialist, we have three state Extension specialists working with small ruminant animals, beef and dairy producers, Brady Campbell, Garth Ruff and Jason Hartschuh, that have an interest in forages, and several of our newer Extension Educators are involved and making an impact. Forages have been a part of my life and career, and I have been blessed.
May the grass be greener on your side of the fence.
Source : osu.edu