Areas in the northern and western parts of the province have had a record number of wildfires this spring, resulting in mandatory evacuations for residents in the areas of the fires. Although the impact to annual crop seeding is unknown at this time, AFSC is extending the recommended seeding dates for clients who are impacted by the mandatory evacuations or have land impacted by the wildfires.
The extended recommended seeding for these clients is as described in the table below:

Clients who seed within the extended recommended seeding dates who were impacted by the mandatory evacuations, or have land impacted by the wildfires, will be covered for quality (grade) loss.
Clients who seed after the extended recommended seeding dates will not be covered for quality (grade) loss may have uninsured causes assessed unless the cause of loss appears to be general to the area.
No changes are being made to the recommended seeding date for any other clients, nor to the dates for crops with seeding deadlines. The Land Report filing deadline of June 20 remains unchanged.
Source : AFSC