AED President & CEO Brian P. McGuire Issues Statement on 2024 Presidential Results

Nov 07, 2024

Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) President & CEO Brian P. McGuire issued the following statement on the 2024 Presidential Election results.

"Congratulations to President-Elect Donald J. Trump on a successful, hard-fought campaign. AED looks forward to collaborating with the Trump administration and the next Congress to advance our pro-growth, job-creating policy agenda."

"Our country stands at a crossroads where bipartisan cooperation is not just necessary—it is essential. We must rise above gridlock and inaction. Together, Republicans and Democrats have the responsibility to maintain a tax code that fosters growth, to invest in our infrastructure and rural communities, and maintaining and nurturing the next generation of skilled workers who will shape our future. The prosperity of the United States depends on these commitments, and AED members are ready to play a key role in building, feeding, and fueling the country. Now is the time for our elected leaders to set aside partisan divides, prioritize these critical issues, and work hand in hand for the success and future of our nation."

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