To explain this, I'll give an example.If we have a sample submitted to the lab and the diagnosis indicates that Lawsonia is present in the sample, our treatment options would include antibiotics or vaccination.
If, for example, the diagnostic test indicates it's PED, then the only option is to clean it out of the farm on a long-term basis.We have completely different options depending on the different diseases that we have present.
That's why it's critical to have a proper diagnosis before we implement a treatment strategy.There are a lot of resources available to help less experienced vets move in the right direction if needed.At WCVM we operate a specialised Brachyspira diagnostic serve that offers tests above and beyond what most diagnostic laboratories offer.
Our service is mainly focussed on swine dysentery cases but we're also available for consultation if anyone has a case of grow-finish diarrhea and needs some help.
Dr. Harding says the best way to get more information is through the Western College of Veterinary Medicine web site at or by emailing him directly at
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