The Director of Risk Management with HAMS Marketing Services suggests access to labor will be the biggest challenge as the pork packing plants gear up for the heavier fall and winter and hog production.Hog supplies typically increase as temperatures fall putting added pressure on processing capacity.
Tyler Fulton, the Director of Risk Management with HAMS Marketing services, says, we are seeing some volatility from time to time due to holidays, articularly in the U.S. plants, but the expectation is that we're not going to run into any major slaughter capacity constraints that would have a negative impact on prices during the heaviest time frames over the next two to three months.
Clip-Tyler Fulton-HAMS Marketing Services:
We're at a bit of a transition point in terms of seasonality of the year.We've now come out of the summer tightness of hog supplies and we're starting to really ramp up in terms of hog numbers.We're actually running very similar to what levels were last year or even levels of the last five years, an average of the last five years.