Some producers may not have access to every option, or it may not work for them, says Tucker. Producers must decide for themselves what works with the time, manpower, equipment and other resources they have.
Tucker and MU Extension beef nutrition specialist Eric Bailey say producers might save money by buying grain and investing more elbow grease to weather drought-related shortages.
First, ask what you are getting for your money by calculating the cost per pound of TDN (total digestible nutrients). Measuring TDN is akin to reading the calories on the back of a candy wrapper. It represents energy in the feed. Compare each alternative on price for a pound of TDN to identify under- and over-valued feeds, says Bailey.
When you put pencil to paper, you might find differences in price per pound of TDN among forage sources or that grain might be cheaper per pound of TDN. Keep in mind, too, the bonus of grain having less waste compared to forages. This allows you to feed what hay you have and fill the gap with grain.
Consider reducing hay intake to 10-15 pounds per cow daily, and make up the difference with grain, depending on pregnancy and lactation status. Cows nursing young calves need the most feed.
Don’t be fooled by dollar-per-bale prices, says Tucker. Not all bales are created equal. When pricing, always consider size and weight. “A 4-by-5 bale of hay may only weigh 750-800 pounds while a 5-by-6 bale weighs considerably more. When possible, price hay by the ton instead of per bale, because it’s not always apples-to-apples,” says Tucker.
If you are lucky enough to have hay or can find hay to buy within your budget, save by not wasting it.
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