It’s cold, windy and rather dreary in central Illinois today. But when I looked at the calendar, I had to smile despite my not-so-inspiring surroundings. It’s National Pig Day. Plus, it’s not even noon and I’m simply overwhelmed by gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the pork industry. Here’s why.
6:30 a.m.:
When I grabbed my phone, I was greeted by photos of our son caring for a sow in his FFA veterinary technology class at Unity High School. I couldn’t help but be grateful for FFA adviser Rich McCabe who sees the value in kids gaining practical, hands-on experience working with livestock. Plus, he took the time to take a photo and send it to me because he knows I’m a “memory capturer.”
To say our 15-year-old son was excited to go to first hour today to check on the sow and piglets is an understatement. We haven’t had the opportunity to raise our own pigs yet, but I know that is something he would like to do some day. Although he has a lot of practice caring for pigs, he’s never worked with sows and piglets before. You just never know where an experience like this will lead.
7 a.m.:
I was a bit nervous to approach my driven, should-be-sleepy-but-must-have-been-caffeinated, 17-year-old daughter finishing up some scholarship applications this morning. However, she was all smiles to get them off her plate and out the door. I find it a little ironic that all her applications due on National Pig Day stem back to the swine industry.