The festive season brings good news for those looking forward to Thanksgiving. The cost of turkey is on the decline. This pleasant turn of events can be attributed to the challenges posed by the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza last year. Thanks to stringent biosecurity practices and strategic USDA interventions, the influenza's influence has been kept in check.
This proactive approach has yielded a commendable 22% reduction in turkey prices as compared to the past year. To put it in numbers, the price has decreased from roughly $1.63 per pound to $1.27.
This pricing relates to the eight-to-16-pound turkeys that most prefer for their Thanksgiving feasts. Also, unlike last year, inflation has had a more subdued impact on the turkey market this year, contributing to the dip in prices.
The silver lining to the price reduction is the surge in turkey demand. This year, the demand per person is set to rise by six percent, translating to 15.5 lbs.