Cattle Inventory Assessment: Adjust your cow herd size to align with available forage. Carefully evaluate the carrying capacity of your ranch and make necessary reductions for optimal resource utilization.
Ruthless Culling: Shape a drought-adapted cow herd through rigorous culling practices. Identify and eliminate animals that fall short of desired genetic traits or fail to meet reproductive expectations.
Forward Thinking: Cultivate a one-year-ahead mentality. By growing forage in advance, you ensure a buffer for your herd during severe droughts, preventing drastic liquidation decisions and maximizing profitability.
Strategic Stockers: Utilize stocker cattle to minimize risks. Purchase stocker calves during favorable times to bolster cash flow and consider retaining heifers as a foundation for rebuilding when rains return.
Proactive Measures: Anticipate and act early. Droughts occur cyclically, and being prepared through measures like early culling will help you weather the storm with greater ease.
Optimal Grazing Cycles: Adapt your rotational grazing approach by extending the duration in each paddock during droughts. This allows for improved pasture recovery and enhances forage utilization.
To enhance drought management, AgriWebb, a livestock business management technology company, offers innovative tools for effective land and cattle management. With interactive aerial maps and weather data integration, AgriWebb enables ranchers to track forage availability and optimize grazing practices.
By adopting these battle-tested strategies and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, ranchers can fortify their operations, successfully navigate droughts, and achieve long-term sustainability.
Source : wisconsinagconnection