Lunch will be provided at noon.
The March 12 afternoon program will include three rotating concurrent sessions with hands-on training on weed identification, crop injury and herbicide modes of action symptoms and crop disease diagnosis.
“Live plant specimens will be showcased at each training session,” adds Lim. “After the training sessions, another excellent speaker will provide very important updates about pesticide use and the new challenges producers face with regard to endangered species protection.”
The March 13 morning session will feature new research results and updates in agronomy, and crop disease and insect pest management. Topics include phytophthora root rot in soybean, sclerotinia head rot of sunflower and foliar diseases of pulse crops, small grain variety selection updates, durum wheat intensive management, wheat stem sawfly and insect pests of small grains, and flea beetle management in canola.
The event will conclude shortly before noon on March 13.
A total of 9.5 continuing education units will be offered to certified crop advisors who attend the event.
The cost to attend is $100. College students will receive a discounted rate of $75. The deadline to register is March 1, or when the school is full.
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