By Sarah Noggle
OSU Extension invites crop producers, CCAs, and agribusinesses to attend a regional 2024 Ohio State Weeds University on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at locations across the state. Locations will include Auglaize County, Clermont County, Crawford County, Fayette County, Jackson County, Madison County, Paulding County, and Wayne County.
This program is designed to keep agronomic producers on the cutting edge in weed control for their cropping operations. Topics addressed will include hot topics in weed control, local weed issues, biology, identification of weeds, control strategies, cover crop management in forages, and evaluating herbicides. Hands-on exercises will be included.
Featured speakers will include Dr. Aaron Hager, Associate Professor, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois; Dr. Rodrigo Werle, Associate Professor, Extension Cropping Weed Science, University of Wisconsin – Madison; Dr. Alyssa Essman, Assistant Professor and Weed Science Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University; and Dr. Michael Flessner, Associate Professor, Virginia Tech. This is an in-person event, with a portion of the program being broadcast virtually at the above regional locations.