2024 June Stewardship Advocate

Jul 03, 2024
Iowa Shows Leadership in First Year of New National Cover Crop Program:

The Iowa Corn Promotion Board, Iowa Soybean Association, and the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance are leading a statewide push toward a national cover crop goal of 30 million acres.

Three Iowa ag partners are celebrating a successful first year of Farmers for Soil Health (FSH), a national cover crop incentive program funded through a USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Climate Smart grant.

Iowa, a top producer of corn and soybeans, recorded nearly 27,000 acres of cover crops in the first year of the program. That is out of about 80,800 acres nationwide with nearly 100 Iowa farmers enrolled. Both the numbers of Iowa acres and farmers led the nation in the first year of the FSH program.

Producers can receive up to $50/acre over three years for new cover crop acres. The sign-up period has begun for fall 2024 cover crops.

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