2022 Regional Corn Rootworm Trap Network

Jun 01, 2022

The Regional Corn Rootworm Trap Network will continue in 2022 and we are looking for more trap participants in Ontario. Trap supplies are free to growers and crop consultants, thanks to funding from the Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) and the Agricultural Biotechnology Stewardship Technical Committee (ABSTC).

The Corn Rootworm (CRW) Trap Network started last year was a huge success with over 600 trap sites monitored in 15 US states and Canadian provinces. By trapping rootworm adults on a regional basis, we are able to gain insights as to whether it is a good rootworm year and alerts us to regions and fields where rootworm activity may need further scouting and monitoring for potential resistance issues. It is also improving our understanding of where both northern and western CRW populations are. In case you missed it, the results from the 84 trap sites in Ontario in 2021 can be found here: https://fieldcropnews.com/2022/02/2021-ontario-crw-trap-network-results/

For 2022, trap sites can be set up anywhere in the province in early July, but we especially want sites in areas with a high percentage of continuous corn acreage and a history of repeated use of Bt rootworm hybrids. If you are interested in getting free trap supplies in Ontario, please contact Tracey Baute (tracey.baute@ontario.ca) so we can get traps to you before July when trapping will start. The 2022 CRW Trapping Instructions are available here, though the trapping methods are similar to last year in that trap sites are to be monitored weekly (in regular 7 day intervals) for 6 to 8 weeks. 4 traps are setup each week at each trap site.

What has changed is that the CRW Trap Network system has been modified this year to make it easier for you to enter trap sites and weekly data. You no longer need to download and use the Survey123 app that was used in 2021.

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