2016 On-Farm Fertilizer Trials For Corn, Soybean, And Wheat

Mar 23, 2016

By Steve Culman
Ohio State is looking for farmer cooperators and crop consultants to help conduct on-farm field trials this year. Updating fertilizer recommendations is a major undertaking that will require a collective effort from numerous OSU extension personnel, crop consultants and farmer cooperators. We will be looking specifically at N, P, K and S in corn, soybean and wheat. We hope to collect data from a large number of farms across the state and determine economically-optimum fertilization rates to maximize farmer profitability. These trials should be considered an opportunity to learn more about your farm’s fertility needs, but also contribute to a state-wide effort for better nutrient management and water quality outcomes.
We can work either directly with farmers, or contract crop consultants and agronomists to conduct the trials and collect data on farmers’ fields. Farmers can choose which nutrient they’d like to work with and will have a large degree of flexibility in the plot layout and applied rates. We have funds to compensate both farmers and crop consultants for their time and effort.
Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur Trials
Experiments will involve either applying fertilizer or no fertilizer to replicated strip plots. Farmer can decide the rate and source of fertilizer. We are especially interested in fields that test low in P and K.
Data to be collected:
·         Soil sample before planting
·         Leaf nutrient analysis at early reproductive stage (R1)
·         Grain yields at harvest and nutrient analysis of grain
·         Short questionnaire about soil management
Nitrogen Rate Trials
A full N rate will be applied in replicated strips (0, 100, 150, 200, 250 lbs N/acre). A zero N treatment is highly desired, but optional. Growers that include a fully replicated zero N treatment will be compensated extra to account for yield loss.
Data to be collected:
·         Soil sample before planting
·         Leaf nutrient analysis at early reproductive stage (R1)
·         Corn stalk nitrate (optional)
·         Grain yields at harvest and nutrient analysis of grain
·         Short questionnaire about soil management

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