2016 Ohio Soybean Performance Trial - Yield Data Available

Nov 08, 2016

By Laura Lindsey
The 2016 Ohio Soybean Performance Trial yield data is now available online as a pdf: http://stepupsoy.osu.edu/sites/hcs-soy/files/2016%20OCJ_0.pdf  Sortable yield data and seed characteristics (seed size, protein, fiber, and oil) will be available in approximately two weeks.
In 2016, over 200 soybean varieties from 21 seed companies were tested at six locations (Henry County, Sandusky County, Mercer County, Marion County, Preble County, and Clinton County. Types of soybeans tested include: conventional (non-GMO), Roundup Ready, Liberty Link, and Xtend. Yield ranged from 38.1 to 82.0 bu/acre. In the pdf, a double asterisk (**) is used to denote the variety with the highest yield within a region and maturity grouping. A single asterisk (*) is used to denote varieties with yield not statistically different than the highest yielding variety.

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