2014 Field Day July 16 at Orr Ag Center, Perry

Jul 07, 2014

By Emerson Nafziger

The 2014 Orr Agricultural Center Field Day presented by the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois will be held on Wednesday, July 16 at the Orr Center, which is located roughly halfway between Jacksonville and Quincy on Route 104, four miles west of the junction of Illinois Routes 104 and 107.

The first tour group will start out at 9:00 AM, with the second and third groups leaving the headquarters at about 9:20 and 9:40. The tour will take about two hours, and will be followed by lunch provided by UI Extension.

The following presenters will speak about current conditions and management challenges in crop production and protection.

  • Dennis Bowman, UI: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Sky High Scouting
  • Emerson Nafziger, UI: N Fertilizer for Soybean – Where’s the Yield?
  • Mike Gray, UI: Update on Western Corn Rootworm Resistance to Bt: Are Soil Insecticides + Bt Necessary?
  • Mark Bernards, WIU: Stewardship of Dicamba and 2,4-D Resistant Soybeans
  • Robert Bellm, UI:  Managing the Threat of Palmer Amaranth

Source: University of Illinois Department of Crop Sciences

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