$350,000 CAD

(approximately $246,435  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Listing Status:
Rm No. 250,
Mountain Valley, Saskatchewan
S0G 1Z0, Canada
Total Acres:
Ted Cawkwell
RE/MAX Saskatoon - Saskatchewan

Detailed Description

These one and a half quarters of grain land are located in the RM of Last Mountain Valley #250.

There is currently no tenant on the land and it is available to farm for the 2023 crop season.

The soil type, topography, and stone rating vary somewhat but SAMA rates most of the land as follows: The soil is “loam”, the topography is “gentle slopes” to “moderate slopes”, and a stone rating of ”slight”

There is good all season access to this land.

237.07 Total Acres (ISC), 223 Cultivated Acres (SAMA), 15 Wetland/Bush Acres (SAMA), 241,400 Farmland Only Assessed Value (SAMA), 1,476 Per Total Acre (ISC), 1,570 Per Cultivated Acre (SAMA), 1.45 times the Assessed Value, Crop Insurance Soil rating is L to M.

Additional Description

Additional Property Notes: MLS#SK917904

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