$895,000 CAD

(approximately $623,367  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Bare Land, Cash Crop, Development Land
Listing Status:
6256 Riverview Line,
Chatham, Ontario
N7M 5T1, Canada
Total Acres:
Richard Vyn
Just Farms - Ontario

Detailed Description

Unlock the potential of this 30 acre bare land parcel, ideally located at the intersection of Riverview Line and Drake Road, just west of the City of Chatham. This site is ready for your vision, whether you're planning to build a new home or exploring agricultural opportunities by adding to your land base. This farm features 30 workable acres of tile drained, silty clay loam soil. In additional, this parcel is complete with essential services including municipal water, natural gas, three-phase hydro and fibre optic internet, all conveniently accessible along Riverview Line. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to build or farm in a prime location just 5 minutes west of Chatham

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