$3,500,000 CAD

(approximately $2,467,850  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Cash Crop
Listing Status:
997 Concession 2,
South Bruce, Ontario
N0G 2S0, Canada
Bruce County
Total Acres:
Phil Spoelstra and Ron Steenbergen
Farm Ontario - Ontario

Detailed Description

200 Acres. 2 km north of Belmore. Teeswater Silt Loam. 2 parcels. separated by Bruce Rd. 12. This is a Share sale so both farms must be purchased together as one. Parcel 1- 100 acres/83 workable, one field, no ditches or fences. 12 acres of good hardwood bush. 5,000 square ft. bank barn with yard set up for cattle. Solid, century, 2 storey brick rental home has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, garage. 2 drive sheds. 30 X 90, 50 X 70

Parcel 2- 100 acres/64 workable, one field is 62 acres with no ditches or fences, recent systematic tile on 17 acres. Softwood bush. These are both convenient corner farms with regular alfalfa in a 4 crop rotation. These 2 well managed farms must be purchased together in a Share Sale.

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