$2,500,000 CAD

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Agribusiness, Bare Land, Cash Crop, Grain
Listing Status:
S 1/2 LT 15 Con 4, Pioneer Line,
Chatham, Ontario
N7M 5J2, Canada
Total Acres:
Workable Acres:
Soil Type:
Loam, Clay, Silt
Richard Vyn
Just Farms - Ontario

Detailed Description

This land features high-quality Beverly silty clay loam soil, known for its strong, consistent yields. 9 acres systematically tile drained with balance of acres random drained. Strong yield history. Previous crops include tomatoes, sweet corn, commercial corn, soybeans, and winter wheat, showcasing the land’s versatility and productivity. Soil fertility data is available. This property is ready for a spring closing, making it the perfect opportunity to start fresh this growing season.

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