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Nancy Lidster: Truckers = Plant Receivers When Loading Pigs

Jul 30, 2013

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I had the opportunity to meet with a group of truckers this past week.

Barn staff often complain about truckers stopping the flow of pigs moving out of the barn. Truckers often complain about receivers at packing plants stopping the flow of animals off the truck (or farm staff causing problems as they unload nursery or grower animals).

The same thing is happening in both cases.

It is important that only one person pressure pigs at any time. If you are visible or moving or making noise to the side or ahead of pigs while someone is pressuring them from behind, they are likely to stop, turn back, or bunch together and refuse to move.

It isn’t just a matter of visible movement. People chatting at a distance or clothes rustling on a person they can’t see can easily catch pigs’ attention and cause them to stop and listen intently.

Source: DNL Farms