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Max Claybaker: Crop Insurance Is Smart Policy.

Jun 04, 2014

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  The following guest op-ed by Max Claybaker, a farmer and a crop insurance insurance agent from Blackwell, Oklahoma, appeared in The Oklahoman on Sunday, June 1.

 In some parts of Oklahoma, it seems like wheat farmers just can’t catch a break.

A late spring freeze, combined with excessively dry or extreme drought conditions throughout the winter and into spring have left many of the state's wheat fields badly stressed or a complete bust. I'd say this is the worst I’ve ever seen, and I started farming in the mid-1950s.

With the wheat harvest set to begin in about a month, farmers are expected to harvest about 40 percent less wheat this year than they did in 2013. The low soil moisture has left many farmers wondering what they are about to go through.

For the state's farmers who bought crop insurance, this will be their only saving grace. I don't know of a farmer anywhere in Oklahoma who doesn’t buy crop insurance. It’s just like buying diesel fuel today—you don’t farm without it.

With the passage of the new Farm Bill, largely gone are the days of the federal government stepping in after a calamity. Today, when a farm crisis hits, farmers turn to their crop insurance policy, not the federal government, for help. The public-private partnership that is today's crop insurance ensures that farmers get the financial help they need in weeks, not years.

As a crop insurance agent, I can tell you firsthand that crop insurance is no small expense for most of the state’s farmers. They spend north of $20,000 a year purchasing policies that they pray they will not need.

Farmers buy crop insurance today just like they buy homeowners insurance. And when a good year turns into a bust, the only thing standing between some farmers and bankruptcy is their crop insurance policies.

Last year, Oklahoma farmers spent more than $93 million to purchase the peace of mind of crop insurance. Crop insurance allows individual farmers to purchase the coverage they need, tailored to their farms, financial standing and tolerance to risk.

For farmers who rely on loans to operate—and that’s a lot of farmers—crop insurance has become a bank's best friend. In fact, the best collateral you can take to a bank when you are seeking a loan is your crop insurance policy.

Crop insurance is not only smart farm policy, but smart consumer policy as well. American consumers have come to see our affordable, abundant food supply as a birthright. In fact, most of us alive today have never seen wide-scale hunger in this country. But much of what we take for granted could quickly disappear if we allow our farmers to fail and are forced to import our food, fiber and fuel.

While this might be the worst drought I’ve ever seen, my faith in the resilience and work ethic of Oklahoma's farmers is undying, and I know that with their crop insurance policies as a backstop, farmers will bounce back from this.